Want to
"Skip the Line?"
and Fast-Track Your Success?

Get your Results in a Fraction of the Time!

Imagine having a dedicated mentor who’s walked the path you’re on, understands the unique challenges your facing, and can provide actionable advice tailored specifically to your practice. That’s the power of 1-on-1 coaching—your fastest route to the exact results you've been striving for.

With our personalized coaching, you’ll receive:

  • Direct  guidance to tackle your biggest challenges so you can feel confident where your practice is heading.
  • Customized strategies tailored to your specific goals and practice needs so all you need to focus on is just completing the next step. 
  • An experienced mentor and coach, who will bring out the best in you while you learn, so you grow personally and professionally. 
  • Accountability to keep you focused and on track so you can be unstoppable. 
  • The clarity and direction you need to become a confident leader, streamline your operations, and finally enjoy the freedom and income you've been working so hard to achieve.

Achieve Your
Vision & Goals

You have the skills and knowledge, but what's the next step?  Do you have a clear path to a multimillion-dollar practice? Our tailored coaching provides you with a step-by-step blueprint, showing you how to put the pieces together to achieve your dreams.

Real Experience,
Real Results

We’ve been where you are and built the practice you aspire to have. With our guidance, you'll gain insights and strategies from coaches who have successfully navigated the journey to multimillion-dollar success.  Whatever your situation, we know what to do.

Your Practice

It's time to get out of the tunnel vision. Discover how to streamline your operations, optimize your scheduling, and scale your practice. Learn how to empower your team, so you can take more time off and rest easy the practice is still making money. 

Monthly 1-1 Coaching

What's Included?

  • Customized program to achieve your growth goals
  • One 50 minute 1-1 call each month with your coach
  • Monthly email summary of call and monthly action items
  • Spot support via email and text
  • Access to all DPH Hero Collective Content and Community
  • Access to Complete DPH Masterclass Series
  • No contract, cancel anytime. 

What it would look like for you to practice the EXACT way you want?

Imagine this:

  • No More Tedious Class II Composites: Spend your days doing the work you love, not the work that drains you.
  • Take 12 Weeks Off Every Year: Finally, enjoy the time off you deserve without sacrificing your income or patient care.
  • Earn More While Working Fewer Days: Experience financial freedom and a balanced life with a schedule that works for you.
  • A Practice That Runs Itself: Empower your team to manage daily operations, so you can focus on what truly matters.
  • No More Endless To-Do Lists: Say goodbye to that overwhelming pile of tasks and hello to a streamlined, efficient practice.
  • Achieve TRUE Business Freedom: Unlock the lifestyle you've always dreamed of, with the freedom to live an epic life both inside and outside the practice.


We WILL teach you EXACTLY how!

Where could you be next year?
Hear some of our client's stories:

It's all possible...just trust the process!

No Overwhelm, Only Overjoyed!

Dr. Brandon P. of MO systematized his practice, grew it to capacity, and was able to bring on an associate and cut his days. 

"Working with Dr. Etchison as my dental business coach has been a game-changer for my practice. His expertise and guidance helped us not only increase our revenue significantly but also streamline our operations to a level of efficiency I never thought possible. Thanks to his help and advice, we were able to systemize our processes, which made bringing on an associate dentist a seamless transition all while decreasing my own clinical hours. Dr. Etchison's coaching has transformed my business, and I couldn't be more grateful for his support."

50% Increase in revenue in less than a year!

Dr. Chase Kelly, MO was able to break past his growth plateua, expand his facility, and drastically increase his revenue. 

"Paul and his coaching really helped me at a critical time in my practice lifecycle to get over a growth plateau. From the time Paul and I started working together, I have seen consistent growth of over 50% in collections, and even after working with him have continued to grow at a rate of over 30% in collections on the year. The fact that Paul has been in it, done it, and has a wealth of information related to practice growth, it has allowed me to act on decisions quicker and with more confidence."

"Wakes up excited each day" after cutting his clinical days and adding an associate.

Dr. Greg H. of IN was able to increase his new patients, increase his revenue, and bring on an associate allowing him to cut his clinical days. 

"I would highly suggest working with Paul not only for his generous and helpful ideas, but he’s just a relatable coach who gets it.  It will be like talking to a friend who you trust for great advice, he helped us revamp our marketing efforts, improve the way I dealt with and led my team, and implement an entirely new scheduling system and collection protocols.  Since working with him, I was able to cut back on my days, add an associate, and enter a new chapter of practice ownership that I wake up each day excited to get after."


We are practicing dentists! We have been there, and done that!

We understand that every dentist’s journey is unique.. Each of our coaches brings a different perspective and set of experiences to the table, allowing you to benefit from a diverse range of insights.

Our flexible coaching model allows you to benefit from the diverse strengths of all our coaches. Many clients choose to work with more than one coach, leveraging their unique perspectives to achieve well-rounded growth and success

Some doctors pick their coach based on personality from listening to the podcast, others are looking for certain strengths. 

Book a free discovery call with Dr. Paul Etchison, who will help match you with the right coach to ensure your success.


Dr. Paul Etchison

As the founder of Dental Practice Heroes, Dr. Paul Etchison manages an 11-operatory group practice in Chicago, also generating over $6M annually. Known for his leadership and problem-solving abilities, Dr. Etchison empowers his team to run the practice efficiently. His approach blends a strong belief in possibility with practical, system-driven solutions.

Dr. Henry Ernst

Dr. Henry Ernst leads an 18-operatory group practice in North Carolina, generating over $6M annually. He’s passionate about systems, communications, and cultivating a productive office culture. With his expertise in navigating team dynamics and training associates, Dr. Ernst is dedicated to bringing out the best in every team member.

Dr. Steve Markowitz

Dr. Steve Markowitz has successfully transitioned seven practices and now oversees multiple locations in Massachusetts. With a focus on data-driven decision-making, he excels in empowering teams to scale practices effectively. Dr. Markowitz’s flagship practice recently achieved its first $1M month, a testament to his leadership and strategic acumen.


Don’t wait to start living the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Schedule your free discovery call today and take the first step towards predictable growth and true freedom!