$4,195.00 USD

12 monthly payments

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Gold Level Access to Dr. Etchison and His Team

This program is for doctors who are tired of messing around and want the highest level of coaching that we can offer. 

In this program, you get:

  • access to every video, document, and system Dr. Etchison has ever created.
  • up to three coaching sessions per month with Dr. Etchison
  • one lead coaching session each month with each of Dr. Etchison's 4 leads with anyone on your team (up to 4 lead coaching sessions each month)
  • BONUS - The option to have you and your team spend a day with Dr. Etchison at his practice outside of Chicago and see how Nelson Ridge Family Dental does it all in person. 

This offer is for doctors and teams who are ready to invest in having the absolute best practice possible.

[ Requires a one year commitment ]