Ownership Success Coaching with Dr. Steve Markowitz

Dr. Steve Markowitz has all the tools and tactics to help you take your practice to the next level. 

With over 7 successful practice acquisitions and transitions, generating more than $25 million in revenue yearly, and mentoring numerous doctors throughout his career, Steve is passionate about sharing his wealth of experience to assist aspiring doctors.

Steve has developed a coaching process known as the "Question Process." This method revolves around three pivotal components:

  • Discover Your WHY: The first and most crucial step is to determine your "WHY." Is your motivation compelling enough to propel you through the inevitable challenges of entrepreneurship? Steve emphasizes the importance of having a strong, intrinsic reason to persevere as a business owner.
  • Define Your WHAT: Next, we delve into the "WHAT." What are the specific areas that require attention to create the organization, practice, and life you aspire to achieve? Identifying these key areas helps establish a clear roadmap for progress.
  • Plan Your HOW: Lastly, we address the "HOW." How will you accomplish your goals? How do you navigate obstacles and turn your vision and dreams into reality? Steve provides guidance on strategizing and executing your plan effectively.

Stop wasting time with consultants and coaches that have never walked the walk.  Dr. Steve is the founder and CEO of an east coast multipractice group employing 24 doctors and over 150 team members.   

Now he is ready to share his secrets with you!

You won't meet a more real and passionate coach that will show you exactly how to achieve all of your dreams!

[ Upon entering a month to month coaching agreement with Dr. Steve, you will have the option to purchase the DPH OmniPractice Total Team Success Program video's for you and your team at a 60% discount.  ]

$1,995.00 USD

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Coaching Services. The Client hereby employs the Coach, as an Independent Contractor, to provide coaching services with certain limited hours of availability and in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement: phone, email and messaging access.

It is the responsibility of the client to schedule any phone communication in advance with the coach as the coach’s schedule permits. In the case that the client does not set up their phone call during any month, no refunds or credits will be issued. I recommend that the client book their next call well in advance as my schedule fills quickly and changes often. No future calls will be completed unless client is up to date and there are no open invoices.

Included in your coaching agreement is one 40-50 minutes coaching calls/month. Additional calls can be purchased if needed at the discretion of the coach.

Because this contract is month to month, Dental Practice Hero Online Video training is not included with this package.  It can be purchased separately at a discount that will be available for purchase at any time during this agreement. 

2. Term of Agreement. This agreement will begin date above and will continue month to month until notice is provided by either party to terminate. There will be no proration of monthly term upon termination. This month to month agreement will renew each month on the date of the month of original purchase. No refunds of payments already made to the coach will be issued.

3. Payment to Coach. The Coach will be paid a monthly recurring fee charged monthly from today’s date. 

4. Independent Contractor. Both the Client and the Coach agree that the Coach will act as an independent contractor in the performance of its duties under this contract.

5. Confidential Information. The Coach agrees that any information received by the Coach which concerns the intellectual property, personal, financial or other affairs of the Client will be treated by the Coach in full confidence.

6. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes this entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter of this Agreement.

7. Disclaimers. Coach is not a financial advisor, investment advisor, lawyer, accountant, counselor, therapist etc. The services provided by Coach are not to be interpreted as legal advice. Any recommendations made by coach are just that, recommendations. Client assumes all risk and liability that may stem from actions performed by client.

8. Indemnification of Coach. Client shall indemnify, defend and hold Coach harmless from and against any and all third party claims, liability, suits, losses, damages and judgments, joint or several, and shall pay all costs and expenses (including counsel’s fees and expenses) as they are incurred in connection with the investigation of, preparation for or defense of any pending or threatened claim or any action or proceeding arising there from, that Coach incurs as a result of having performed services on behalf of Client.