Predictable Case Acceptance

What if you and your entire team started speaking the language of patients, explaining reccomendations easily and persuasively?


What you'll Learn:

  • How do conduct the best New Patient Exam.
  • The Best verbiages for common procedures.
  • What to say and what to not say.
  • How to stop talking about benefits, and start talking about problems.
  • The 4 hurdles you must get past to get patients to YES.
  • Avoiding common mistakes in case presentation.
  • 5 Power questions that will change the way you talk to patients.
  • How to get comfortable presenting higher dollar amounts.
  • How to help your patients value dental health and getting their treatment complete.
  • How to build rapport and speak confidently.
  • and so much more...

[ One login will be provided for access.  Access will be available for one year after purchase.]

$995.00 USD

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I understand that this course will be available to watch for a 1 year period. 

I understand that all the content for this course will be delivered immediately, and will not be returnable or refundable. 

I will not hold DPH Coaching and Paul Etchison liable for any legal issues arising from implementing content or any misuse of principles.

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