$165.00 USD

12 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

I understand that only one login will be supplied and that my entire team must use that login to access the videos. 

I understand that the materials will be available for one full year from purchase. 

After my purchase, all videos will be available in my library and cannot be returned or refunded. 



Start seeing more patients, getting a better ROI on your marketing, and having patients show up to their new patient appointments. 

What you'll get:

  • A easy to watch, entertaining, 45 minute instructional training on phone etiquette, techniques, and what to say, when.
  • 2 hours of REAL phone calls with critiques, and pointers on what should have been said and what was done correctly.
  • Documents with the principles of the trainings, verbiages to 15 common questions FD members fumble, a phone call scoring sheet, and a new patient call checklist to use during every phone call. 

One login will be supplied for a your team to use and product will be available for a full year.