It's time to Level up your Practice!  

This Group Program will Start August 1st of 2024 and is limited to only 12 spaces.  Reserve your spot today. 

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Seamless Operations, Unlimited Growth, all with Less Clinical.

Our Signature OmniPractice 7 Phase Methodology Gets You There.

Together, we turn teams into a fully synergized squad to give you the benefits of having a fully team managed practice. 


Stop Working Harder.  
Start Working Together...
Sign Up Here!

Tell me if this sounds familiar…


You've got the team members, each bringing their own experience and invaluable insights to your operations. And yet, you're still struggling to create cohesive and efficient systems to be documented, managed, and carried out with predictability by your employees. You’re managing it all, spending a lot of your days trying to run the business, all in between seeing patients and putting out the daily fires of practice ownership.


You’re not alone, most owners never get “above the noise” of running their practices. That’s where the DPH OmniPractice Program comes in.

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In this exclusive program, we go beyond basic dental practice methods and reimagine how your team leaders work together, one system at a time.

Driven by an extreme focus on creating consistent structure, accountability, engagement, systems, and culture, we transform any dental office from the inside out by utilizing your team to create and implement the changes.  We take all the complexity of practice ownership, simplify it, and give your team the tools and motivation they need to run your practice, and give you your time back, so you can spend it doing whatever energizes and inspires you!


Over the course of 10 months, our team works hand-in-hand with your staff, empowering them with online instruction and one on one support calls, leaving them inspired and motivated to implement these new tools into their daily workflow.


The end result?

 You’re left with a practice leadership team of your choosing and a practice that can grow faster under the leadership team rather than falling only on the shoulders of the practice owner.

I'm Ready to Start!

Imagine Taking Your Practice From:


  • Unclear policies and protocols.
  • Mismanaged systems.
  • Lack of accountability.
  • Employee and patient related “fires”.
  • Overwhelming daily operations.
  • Plateauing growth.
  • Always needing your attention.


To a Practice with:


  • Systematic tools for effortless patient care.
  • Leadership driven by transparency and responsibility.
  • Scale-ready solutions for long-term growth.
  • Balanced systems for preventing burnout.
  • Happier team members who take great care of patients.
  • Happier patients who drive accelerated profits.
  • A business that brings you peace of mind and joy.


We guide you through it all.  That's The OmniPractice Difference

Under the expert guidance of Dr. Etchison and his team, you and your leadership staff will led through a transformative program designed to reimagine your dental practice from within. As a team of dental professionals who spend each day in the trenches, your leaders will gain invaluable insights from a team who has been there, done that, and found a better way to get the job done, all with little management from the owner.

Most importantly, we work closely with your team to create unique roles that align with each of their individual strengths, giving you a proven system to make your practice stand out as something truly special, that your team is proud to be part of.  

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How We Transform Your Practice:

9 Program Tracks based on Position in the Office

Each role in your practice deserves tailored support. That’s why our program is divided into 9 unique program tracks for each member of your team, allowing us to finetune their training and deliver impactful results.

 Pick Your Team Member’s Path:


  1. Practice Owner & Primary Doctor
  2. Office Manager
  3. Lead RDH
  4. Lead DA
  5. Lead FD/Admin
  6. RDH Team
  7. DA Team
  8. FD/Admin Team
  9. Associate Doctor

Tailored Learning Tools

Within each program track, your team will be given access to a full library of video content tailored to their role. Backed by hands-on assignments and implementation-centric learning tools, we give them the tools they need to create lasting change.  All completed step by step, building on itself to create the practice you’ve always wanted.

6 Team Coaching Calls for EACH of your 3-4 Leaders (24 total calls)

To ensure the objective of each phase lands, your team will have a support call with their respective mentor from Dr. Etchison’s own team, helping troubleshoot whatever issues arise in real-time. These calls will last 50-60 minutes and will be followed up by a summary email with action items for the next phase of the program.

7 Group Doctor Calls

As an owner and doctor, you act as the captain of your ship through each stage of the implementation process. Dr. Etchison knows the burdens that so many dentists carry, and his coaching calls are here to help you navigate these challenges, implement better systems, and shift your focus to whatever excites you, whether that be patient care, working on the business side, or just enjoying your family and personal hobbies.

24/7 Support

Dental practices move fast. That’s why our team is here to support your leads with 24/7 support via text and email between support calls. Whether they need guidance on handling real-world situations or just have a question about their next assignment, we’ve got you covered.


OmniPractice Transformations Delivered In

7 Signature Phases


Pre-Program Onboarding:  Vision and Brand Creation

Each dental practice projects a unique voice to its patients. With Dr. Etchison’s help, you’ll craft the ideal brand voice and tone for your operation, analyze your leadership structure, and determine who your leads are. From cultural elements like Mission, Vision, Core Value, and Brand Promise documents to critical metrics, Profit and Loss Statements, and marketing plans, this essential step sets the stage for your practice transformation.

Phase I:  Transformational Genesis

In this step, your team is brought into the program, and the process of creating a new culture based on problem-solving, acceptance, accountability, and self-starting officially begins. Your leadership team will receive leadership and management training, and your team will be introduced to the tenets of the program. Ultimately, you’ll learn how to inspire and motivate your team, as well as create the structure of communication to continue creating a team-driven practice from the inside out.

Phase II: Foundational Systematization

Next, your leads and team will be guided to create and document all protocols necessary for general maintenance, responsibility assignment and accountability, training and onboarding, and all daily/weekly/monthly tasks needed to run your practice. More importantly, your team will be taught why it makes sense to get clear on protocols and why teamwork and accountability are essential to patient care, fairness among team members, efficiency, less stress, and great patient care. 

Phase III:  Department Baseline Care Establishment

Now, the real magic happens. Together, you and your team will begin to implement the systems that ensure maximum profitability and efficiency. Based on your determinations, systems for cleaning up and working old AR will take root.  Systems to ensure near perfect collections will be implemented to prevent new AR.  Every aspect of the Front Desk will begin to be systematized and documented for consistency and training purposes, making the implementation of new protocols seamless. 

All the while, your leadership team will continually be checking in with their departments and training them according to the standards you set in the previous step. We will work on scheduling, verbiage, checklists, calibrating and diagnosing with the clinical team, educating the front team on clinical aspects, phone skills training, and monitoring for improvement. With this baseline in place, you set the non-negotiable standards that lead to long-term practice growth.

Phase IV: Ultimate Experience Integration

Creating an unheard of and amazing patient experience is a team effort.  In this phase, your team will understand the power of touch points and the importance of remaining on brand at all times.  They will learn how every member of the team makes an impact on whether or not the patient gets healthy, as well as the importance dental health, and why what they provide each day is more than “just a job”, it an avenue to express purpose and truly make a difference in the world.

We get your team to focus on all the little things that make the big differences.  You and your team will get clear on creating a performance that will have patients raving about your office and telling everyone they know about it.

Phase V: Impactful Patient Engagement

Consistency is key to expanding your operations, and this step oversees the delivery of care and engages the entire team on how to communicate with patients in a persuasive and compassionate way, leading to greater case acceptance and an experience your patients will rave about.

Simultaneously, your front desk will be empowered and trained to do more than the usual, “present the finances, hope they schedule,” routine.  They will learn how to become the patient advocate, helping the patient get through objections to get the treatment completed. Bottom line? We empower your team with the verbiage and strategies needed to get patients to say YES.

Phase VI: Advanced Policy Integration

Implementing complex policies can seem daunting. In this stage, we’ll support you and your team with innovative strategies for collecting balances, pre-collecting to schedule treatment, saving appointments when patients attempt to cancel, implementing and holding strong to a cancellation policy that works, confidentially answering any patient objections to any policies of the practice and feeling comfortable in the delivery of the communication.

It’s more than just what you say; it’s how you say it. By the end of this step, your team will know exactly how to handle complex patient interactions with grace and professionalism.

Phase VII: Ongoing Evolution

At the end of the day, practice systematization is never complete. It requires constant energy and attention. Thankfully, you won’t be going it alone anymore. You will have a motivated team with cultural alignment, in which everyone contributes. You will be armed with a leadership team to act as a safeguard to protect you from day-to-day noise, allowing you the time and relief from the stress you so much desire.  

From this point forward, your team will know how to navigate new protocols, evaluate current systems, and create new strategies for success on your terms.

Let's Go! I'M IN!

One Investment Gets You:

  • A dynamic leadership team armed with the skills to manage and inspire their teammates.
  • 9 unique program tracks packed with in-depth videos, hands-on assignments, and proven methods for success.
  • 24 team member coaching calls with a DPH mentor who knows their struggles and challenges firsthand.
  • 7 group owner coaching calls with Dr. Etchison, laying the foundation for your practice’s voice and vision all the while helping you find what really lights you up in life so you can get more of it. (Calls will be recorded in case you can't make one!)
  • Systematic tools for implementing effective protocols that put patient care first, all to experience increased profitability as a byproduct.
  • Verbiage and communication strategies crafted by real people who understand the complexities of running a dental practice.

Kickstart Your Transformation Today!

A Message from Dr. Etchison

Hi There,

I’m Paul, and for the past 5 years, I’ve been helping my fellow dental practice owners transform their operations and empower their teams, creating a balanced practice that combats doctor burnout and yields measurable results.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my years of experience as a full-time practice owner, it’s this: You can NOT grow practice on your own. Instead, it takes a dedicated and empowered team with the ability to create dynamic systems that produce consistency, profitability, and predictability in your day to day operations.

The OmniPractice Program was made to do just that.

This program is for any dental practice. This is a transformative process for doctors who are ready to reduce their in-office days, build stronger teams, and put more of their time and energy into their favorite tasks, procedures, or hobbies. Through systematic protocols and empowered leadership teams, we help you create a practice that runs itself so that you have the freedom to do whatever you decide.

Now, I know what you’re thinking…

How do I know that these systems actually work?

Simply put, I don't teach anything that my team and I haven't already tried, tested, and perfected in my own practice outside of Chicago, Illinois. Together, we bring the wealth of experience that comes with creating a multidoc practice, collecting over $6M/year. Most importantly, we're here to show you how to create the same results for your practice, one new protocol at a time.

Each of my leads has been on this team since the genesis of the practice, being a part of more than 10 years of evolution and, hence, all the bumps, bruises, and lessons learned along the way. With their insight and support, your team will be inspired and motivated on a level you never thought possible, delivering proven results again and again.

With nearly 35 hours of high-quality video lessons, tailored systems, documents, and worksheets, this program leaves you with a team culture and leadership structure to continue the momentum for the rest of your career.

Sincerely looking forward to working with you,

Dr. Paul Etchison

Sign Me UP!

Meet The OmniPractice Team:

At Dental Practice Heroes, we believe that knowing comes from doing. Instead of providing a general overview of how our OmniPractice system works, we connect each member of your team with our in-house experts, who understand firsthand how these protocols work in daily life. Our rockstar team of dental practice professionals includes: 

 Justine, Office Manager

 Jaclyn, Lead DA, Clinical Manager

 Pamela, Lead RDH

 Vicky, Lead FD/Admin

Not only do each of our leads provide unparalleled insight into our signature OmniPractice methods, but they work with your team members to create custom solutions based on their needs.


With their help, your team will be left with the tools and support they need to:

  • Manage and hold their departments accountable to the newly implemented protocols.
  • Train and onboard new team members based on the created protocol.
  • Create and manage all schedules and shifts.
  • Meeting with team members on a regular basis to discuss ways to improve the office culture and address frustrations.
  • Handle interpersonal conflict between team members and resolve disputes quickly.
  • Craft solutions and systems to address any future issues with streamlined efficiency.
  • Support their respective departments and facilitate the growth of everyone’s skills.
  • Meet with other members of the leadership team to discuss and implement new protocols as needed.

What are you waiting for?  The Practice you Deserve is ready for you!

It's time for a new you.  Who wouldn't want more time away from work and less stress!  We will teach you and your team EXACTLY how!