Claim your Freedom | Earn More While Working Less!

We believe every practice owner deserves a thriving, stress-free practice that gives them more!

More time with family, more profit, and more joy in running their business. 

You’ve Built a Strong Foundation...
Now It’s Time to Go Further.

 What if you could break through and achieve more than you ever imagined?


Does this sound familiar?

  • You've worked hard to build your practice, but you're not seeing the growth you know is possible.
  • You're unsure what to focus on in your practice, leading to indecision and stagnation.
  • You are "busy," but not really as profitable as you'd like.
  • You feel overwhelmed. There's so much that could be done, it's hard to know where to start. 
  • You'd like to add another hygienist, but you're not sure you could keep their schedule full.
  • You know you could use more help at the front, but you're concerned about the additional payroll.
  • Your new patient flow is decent, but not quite where you want it.
  • You know you should be spending more time working on your business, but after seeing patients all week, you just want to check out.
  • Or maybe you'd love to have an associate, but you're worried how it would affect your income.

This phase can be both incredibly frustrating and uniquely promising.


These are common challenges among practice owners who are on the brink of significant growth, but aren’t sure how to take that next step.

That’s where the DPH Hero Collective comes in. We’ve designed this membership to guide you through these hurdles and into a new phase of practice ownership—one where your schedule is full, your team is thriving, and your income is growing without sacrificing your well-being.


By joining the DPH Hero Collective, you’ll gain access to proven strategies and tools that will help you:

  • A to Z Systematize your Practice, so that everyone knows what to do and when, no longer needing to ask you for every little thing.
  • Create a Leadership Team, to insulate you from the stressful day to day challenges and team needs.
  • Maximize your schedule efficiency, so that every hour worked is more profitable.
  • Confidently expand your team, knowing you will generate more profit, instead of an additional expense.
  • Attract and retain more patients, ensuring a steady flow of new and returning revenue.
  • Empower and Train your team, so that your practice operates flawlessly, even when you're not there.
  • Find the Balance Between Working on Your Business and Taking Time to Recharge, so you can live a better life.

We CAN Help!

Our coaching team consists of three practicing dentists, who have each successfully grown practices generating between $5-10M annually.   And each of us, now just practice one day per week! 

We’ve walked the same path you’re on now, facing the challenges of practice ownership and overcoming each of them to build thriving, team-driven practices.

We're not just teaching theories...We've personally lived it!  We know exactly what it takes to elevate your practice to the next level because we’ve done it ourselves—and we’ve guided countless other dentists to do the same!

Our mission is to help your practice run effortlessly, freeing up your time so you can focus on what truly ignites your passion—whether that’s spending more time with your family, pursuing other interests, or even deepening your love for dentistry. (It's OK...we like it too!)

Hear from these DPH success stories:


"Best decision I ever made!"

Dr. Ryan B. of Oregon took his solo practice, expanded it, dropped a clinical day, and brought on an associate.  He more than doubled his practice and now takes more time off than ever. 

"...the best decision I ever made for my practice. Within a year, we went from a 1 doctor practice working 4 days per week, seeing about 15 new patients per month and collecting $1.2 million to a 2 doctor, 14 team member practice seeing over 60 new patients per month and on track to collect $3 million this year all while I was working 3 days per week."

"I'm only doing surgery now!"

Dr. Trent P. of Wisconsin sought out help from DPH, leveled up his leadership skills, systematized his office, brought on an associate,  and was able to grow enough so that he can focus only on surgical procedures just 3 days/week. 

"I've been a client with Dr. Etch for almost 2 years.  He played an instrumental role in helping me break through practice plateaus.  He gave me real world, effective tactics to push my single Doc practice well past 7 figures.  I'm eternally grateful for his help and cannot recommend his coaching enough!"

"You don't have to work more to make more money!"

Dr. Dave L. of Oklahoma followed the process, cut back his clinical days, and only focused on surgery now. 

"I was looking to grow my practice and cut back my hours. I wasn’t sure where to start then I found Paul through his podcast. He helped me with the mindset of not having to work more to make more money and have a successful business. If you are looking to amp up your practice while reducing your hours, I highly recommend Paul as a mentor. " 

"You won't be disappointed!"

Dr. Will C. of Maine was looking for an easy way to train up and systematize his practice. 

"Each video is easily organized and fun to watch with either by yourself, team separately, or with everyone together.  If you want to find a highly engaging, inspiring yet entertaining way to get your team involved to make the dream practice you've always wanted, I don't know a better place to get there quicker than with the program. You won't be disappointed!"


You’re Ready for More—Let’s Make It Happen Together

You’ve seen how our strategies transformed practices just like yours, helping dentists achieve more freedom, more income, and more fulfillment. Whether it's working fewer days, bringing on associates, or systematizing your practice, the results speak for themselves: our strategies work.

But this isn’t just about numbers; it’s about creating a practice that serves your life, not the other way around.


The DPH Hero Collective is a group coaching program for ambitious dental practice owners like you, who want clear step-by-step strategy and a proven system to scaling your practice effortlessly so that you can work less and live more!  

The program provides you with:

✓ Live online group coaching and Q&A sessions to provide you with support when you need it.
✓ High quality online training programs to create a highly trained team with predictable systems.
✓ An engaged and supportive community of like-minded entrepreneurs with the same goals as you.
✓ Hundreds of downloadable system and protocol documents, templates, and resources.

Imagine a practice that runs smoothly, even when you’re not there. Picture a team that’s empowered, engaged, and trained to handle every aspect of the business. Envision yourself taking time off without worrying about the practice falling apart, and still seeing growth in your income. That’s the kind of transformation the DPH Hero Collective delivers!

Here's What You'll Get

Join Today For Instant Access!


âś“ Group Calls/Hotseats

âś“ Monthly Live Webinars

âś“ Guest Expert Presentations

âś“ Past Session Recordings

✓ Ask Me Anything Sessions

âś“ Community of Practice Owners


Total Team Success Training

Each position in the practice needs tailored support.  That's why we've created 9 different curriculum tracks working in 7 Phases in tandem to fully systematize and transform your practice as a team.  Just follow the steps and move through the phases at your own pace with your team.  Every document, worksheet, and example is included. 


Masterclass Series

Need a specific training or something to onboard a team member?  All videos are tailored to be watched by the team to ensure they understand not only the HOW, but more importantly, the WHY behind all the protocols 

  • Why it benefits the patient
  • Why it benefits the team
  • Why it benefits the practice

Membership includes all these Masterclasses:


Apprentice Level Annual Membership

3 payments of $299

($299 Billed every 4 months)

  • Masterclass Series Access
  • Documents, Systems, and Worksheets
  • A Supportive Private Community
  • Access to book Team Lead Calls with Dr. Etch's Team



Guild Level Annual Membership

3 Payments of $799

($799 Billed every 4 months)

Everything in Apprentice Level PLUS:

  • All 9 OmniPractice Curriculum Tracks
  • Live Q and A Office Hours
  • Live Monthly Webinar
  • Live Podcast Q and A and Question Submission
  • Recordings of Past Webinars

Legendary VIP Level Mastermind Annual Membership

Now Filling

Everything in Guild and Apprentice Levels PLUS:

  • Join a private mastermind with Dr.'s Etchison, Ernst, and Markowitz
  • Placement in Curated Mastermind Group of 12 Dental Owners
  • Online Mastermind Session each month
  • In Person 2-day Masterminds every 6th month.
  • Recording of all Sessions



Hi, I'm Dr. Paul Etchison

I’ve been where you are. On the outside, everything looked great, but inside, I was stressed out, frustrated, and stuck in a cycle of burnout. My practice consumed my thoughts, even when I was supposed to be enjoying time with my family. It felt like I was always at work, even when I wasn’t.

It took nearly 10 years of practice ownership and trial and error to finally figure out how to create a practice that gave me the life balance and peace I had always desired. And now, I’m here to help you do the same.

For the past 5 years, I’ve been guiding fellow dental practice owners to transform their operations, empower their teams, and create a balanced practice that not only fights burnout but also takes amazing care of their patients and team.

Today, I work just one clinical day per week, focusing on band and bracket ortho and Invisalign, while enjoying 15 weeks off each year. I’ve never felt more engaged, and I’ve never been more fulfilled! Nothing excites me more than helping other dentists achieve the same level of success and freedom.

I can’t wait to work with you and watch you grow into a life that might seem impossible right now—but trust me, it’s so very much within your reach.


What are you waiting for?  Transform your practice and reclaim your life—starting today!